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Here Is Why Deadpool “Likes” Chimichangas

Deadpool is a very special character. He is unique in most aspects, and although he tends to be exceptionally brutal and weird people out, he is still one of the most popular comic book characters in the world. His unique skills, stories, and his special approach to life make Deadpool so special and so likable. In this article, we are going to explore one aspect of Deadpool’s personality, and that is his fondness for chimichangas! Why does Deadpool like chimichangas? Does Deadpool even like them? Keep reading to find out!

So Deadpool likes chimichangas because… ha! There’s the catch! Deadpool, by his own admission, doesn’t even like chimichangas “all that much,” but he loves saying that word, so it seems that he does. He actually prefers enchiladas.

In the rest of the article, we will explore Deadpool’s relationship with chimichangas, even though, when we actually read this, it sounds quite disturbing. But, if you want to know everything about that relationship, you’ll have to read until the end.

Does Deadpool even like chimichangas? There is a persistent rumor that Deadpool, Marvel’s Merc with a Mouth, is a big fan of chimichangas. The chimichanga definitely is a recurring motif in Deadpool-related stories, and the rumors were additionally fueled by this trailer:

So, yeah, Deadpool seems to be a big fan of chimichangas. He has a small one in the trailer, a giant one, and he keeps talking about chimichangas. So he must love them, right?

Well, it might be strange to see when other characters are concerned, but with Deadpool, it’s really not that strange to see something he does or says that is far from the actual truth. This applies to the chimichangas, as Deadpool isn’t that big of a fan of the Mexican dish. Shocked? You shouldn’t be; it’s actually Deadpool just being Deadpool. Nothing more.

We’re certainly lying; you must be thinking for yourselves right now. It’s impossible. He’s always talking about chimichangas (okay, not always, but you get the point). He must love them. Do you have any proof of your statement? Actually, we do:

The chimichanga gimmick was first introduced in 2005’s ‘Cable and Deadpool’ #13, written by Fabian Nicieza, one of the creators of Deadpool. We are stressing this out because it must be canon if this gimmick came from the creator himself. In the story, Nicieza gives us the origins of the chimichanga gimmick, revealing that Deadpool “doesn’t even like chimichangas all that much,” but he does like saying the word. In the comic book, he actually visits a joint that makes the best chimichangas, yet he orders an enchilada. Talk about irony.

Since there have not been any canon comics that contradict Nicieza’s story, as far as we know, we can confirm that this is canon that Deadpool doesn’t actually like chimichangas and that they are definitely not his favorite dish. So why does he keep talking about them so often?

Why does Deadpool keep talking about chimichangas? For the purposes of better illustrating our argument, we provide you with this clip from the extremely popular sitcom Two and a Half Men:

In it, Kandi, Alan’s gorgeous yet dimwitted girlfriend, says she ordered a chimichanga, although she did not know what it was made of, simply because it’s fun to say chimichanga. And it is. Try it. We dare you. Say it a couple of times in quick succession. See what we mean?

Oddly enough, Deadpool has the same reason for talking about chimichangas that often. He just loves saying that word, which is one of those words that practically all languages have, a word that has an actual meaning but, when pronounced, sounds so funny that one would think it was meaningless.

And this is why Deadpool mentions the chimichanga so often. He doesn’t like them, not really, he doesn’t even eat them all that often, but he likes the word. The chimichanga thus remains a gimmick in Deadpool’s universe – it also made its way into Fortnite – but a completely different type of gimmick than what the fans and the Internet have thought it would be.

So, for those of you who did not know the real story behind Deadpool’s chimichangas, you now know everything, and you can make yourself a chimichanga and enjoy it thoroughly. Or don’t, we don’t really mind.

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